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Recent Articles

  • 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

    25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

    The readings for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B are a call to humility and service. Am I ambitious for power, wealth, or recognition? Or am I willing to be a servant? Read More

  • Ignatian Contemplation: Pray with Your Imagination

    Ignatian Contemplation: Pray with Your Imagination

    St. Ignatius of Loyola believed that God gave us our imaginations and could use this gift to speak to us. One method of praying in the tradition called Ignatian Contemplation, by putting yourself in a gospel scene and to see where that leads you. Read More

  • Sacrament Scavenger Hunt

    Sacrament Scavenger Hunt

    This sacrament scavenger hunt introduces some of the symbols and concepts of the sacraments in a fun way. Hide various sacrament related items around your meeting space or grounds. Here is a list and some tips. Some of the items are directly related to sacraments. Others are more “fun” to start up a conversation. Use whatever you feel is best for your group and meeting. These are just ideas. Read More

  • Psalm 116: Unlock the Joy of Thankfulness

    Psalm 116: Unlock the Joy of Thankfulness

    Psalm 116 is a prayer of thanksgiving to God. The psalmist, who faced a difficult and life-threatening situation, expresses gratitude for God’s help and deliverance. He acknowledges that God heard his cries and saved him from death. This psalm teaches us the importance of trusting in God, even when life is hard. Read More

  • Get Behind Me Satan: Lesson Plan on Avoiding Pain

    Get Behind Me Satan: Lesson Plan on Avoiding Pain

    In the “Get Behind Me Satan” Lesson Plan on Avoiding Suffering, youth will learn a vital lesson from Jesus’ words to Peter. In life, it’s natural to want to avoid suffering and pain. But Jesus teaches us that following Him sometimes means facing hard things. This lesson plan will help young people understand why accepting suffering can be a necessary part of their faith journey. Read More

  • 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

    24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

    The readings for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B challenge us to open our minds and truly see how Jesus is both human and divine and recognize him as the source of our salvation. Do I receive Jesus as my savior and allow him to change my heart? Read More